International Day of the Girl: 5 impactful ways to amplify their voices

International Day of the Girl: 5 impactful ways to amplify their voices

Every year on October 11, we celebrate International Day of the Girl, a day that highlights the unlimited potential of girls around the world while also recognizing the challenges so many face. Established in 2011, this day not only advocates for gender equality, but also emphasizes the vital role girls and young women play in shaping the world’s future.

At Prosperity Candle, we have many school-age daughters who are excited for their futures, which is why this year’s theme particularly resonates: Girls' Vision for the Future. It’s not just about imagining a better tomorrow, but actively building it today.

The Unique Value Girls and Women Bring

It goes without saying (yet STILL needs to be said!) that girls and women contribute immense value to every issue, every problem, every opportunity. From science and technology to board rooms and politics, their perspectives, talents and leadership are driving progress in profound ways. 

As any teacher knows well, girls bring fresh ideas, smarts and creativity to the table. Their vision is essential in shaping a future that is prosperous, inclusive, equitable and sustainable for all.

5 ways to amplify the voices of girls and young women

An essential part of empowering girls and young women is amplifying their voices across all areas of life, from local communities to global arenas. Here are 5 impactful ways to amplify the voices of girls and women in business, education, politics and beyond.

1. Support Mentorship Programs

One of the most effective ways to amplify girls' and young women’s voices is through mentorship. By connecting them with experienced women leaders, entrepreneurs and politicians, we provide role models, guidance, and a support system. Mentorship helps create opportunities to develop their voices and leadership potential, and ensures a strong pipeline of future female leaders in every field.

2. Advocate for Equal Representation in Leadership Roles

Women must be represented in decision-making roles across all sectors. Whether it's in executive leadership or government, amplifying their voices begins with ensuring they have a seat at every table. And that sets the stage for younger women and girls in school to envision their futures without boundaries, so that the choices they make in life not only reflect their interests, but also ensure their talents can benefit society as a whole.

3. Support Female Led Initiatives

Girls and young women deserve the opportunity and encouragement to lead their own initiatives, whatever they may be. Supporting female-led projects, entrepreneurial ventures and nonprofits at all levels gives women a platform to lead change on their own terms. And it shows the next generation that their ideas will not only be heard, but more importantly respected and acted upon.

4. Promote Women in Public Office

We’ve mentioned politics a few times, but that’s because we think it’s really important! Women’s voices are essential to creating policies that are responsive to the needs of all citizens. Encouraging and supporting girls and women to run for public office, whether it’s class president or President of the United States, is one of the most powerful ways to amplify their voices. So whether it's through fundraising or getting out there to advocate for female candidates, we say just do it!

And if this year's election inspires you and you'd like to purchase gifts that support access to the ballot box, take a look at our new Vote! Collection... we had to include our Love That Cat and ever-popular She Inspires Candle, but also couldn't resist creating a Coconut Tree one.  

5. Consume Media That Elevates Female Voices

Media plays such a crucial role in shaping public opinion and our cultural norms. Supporting platforms that prioritize the experiences of girls and women helps ensure their unique voices and perspectives will be heard. From podcasts, books and documentaries to social media and what you choose to stream, promoting content that centers on female perspectives and accomplishments allows their ideas to reach a wider audience - and influence hearts and minds.

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Interested in gifts made by women artisans that support refugees around the world?  Check out our bestselling gifts and new Vote! Collection that donates to non-partisan to help everyone get to the polls on November 4th.

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