We’ve been neglecting you, faithful blog readers! Between a busy (and triumphant!) race to the holiday finish line, time relaxing with family over the holidays, and now ambitious plans in the works for 2012 (more soon on that), we have been otherwise distracted.

Ted Barber & Siiri Morley, Prosperity Candle Founding Partners (Photo Credit: Judith Kelliher for The Republican)
Much of the time away from the blog has been spent planning and strategizing about next steps. We’ve also in reveling in the tremendous amount of support we’ve had from our supporters. 2011 was a fantastic year for us and we’re looking forward to the rest of 2012.
The entry into a new year seems to always bring with it lots of big picture thinking. What’s the meaning of the past year? And what will we do with the new year? As part of our team’s own reflections, we thought we’d share this New York Times article that resonates with us. It’s based on a research done with elderly people – asking for life lessons on what worked and what didn’t. How to live life without regrets, so you enter old age feeling satisfied with what you’ve done. It offers advice on marriage, parenting, careers, happiness, wellness and growing old.
Our favorite advice? From a 75-year old man: “Adopt a policy of being joyful.”
Happy new year!