Employee Appreciation Day is fast approaching! It’s the first Friday of March... which this year is March 1st. While a formal event to recognize the contributions of employees and colleagues may feel unnecessary, it’s actually a great opportunity (excuse?) to do something nice for the people you spend so much time with. Plus it can be a fun way to foster a positive workplace culture.
Among the many creative ways to express gratitude for the work and dedication of others, here is our list of 6 favorites. Add yours in the comments below!
1. Host a team lunch (or happy hour)
Everyone appreciates a thoughtfully organized luncheon or casual get-together outside the workplace where they can relax, socialize and enjoy good food and drink on someone else's tab. The idea is to create a casual atmosphere that enables people to connect. It’s also the perfect moment to express your appreciation and celebrate collective successes.
2. Write personalized notes of appreciation
In this era of digital everything, there is no substitute for taking a moment to handwrite a message expressing appreciation for what someone else does. It’s among the most meaningful ways to recognize their strengths and achievements. Include a gift card to a favorite lunch spot, or wow them with a You’re Awesome Gift Set that includes 30 “you’re awesome” pop-open cards each with an uplifting quote.
3. Give an extra vacation day
Most of us feel we don’t get enough time off. So we plan vacations to recharge and see the people we love, often having to compromise on both. That’s why an extra vacation day makes everyone smile. It’s so unexpected, so welcome, and a wonderful way to show appreciation to employees while reinforcing the importance of a work-life balance.

4. Spruce up the workspace
Who doesn’t like a surprise gift? Especially when you discover it upon arrival at work. Our favorite is a plant to make a space feel more natural and inviting, but not everyone wants to take care of a potted plant… which is why this Peace of Mind Gift is perfect. It includes a Tillandsia Velutina air plant – no soil, low maintenance, and small enough spruce up any workspace.
5. Go on a field trip
Sounds like elementary school, right? But doesn’t it also sound kind of fun? Planning a memorable excursion with your team is much easier than you think. Lots of destinations offer organized group events where everything is taken care of. Think zoo, white water rafting, escape rooms. In the building where our candle studio is located, it’s ping pong… a local club where groups can reserve tables, learn to play, and have lots of laughs.
6. Send home some wellness
When everyone heads out at the end of the day, they are ideally putting aside work for a spell. A nice way to show appreciation for what your colleagues and employees do, and encourage some relaxation, is to send home a wellness package that everyone in the household can enjoy. Whether it’s a spa gift or gourmet treat, your thoughtful interest in their wellbeing will be noted.
We like Employee Appreciation Day because it presents the opportunity to recognize the contributions of colleagues and team members, and do something nice. By taking a moment to express appreciation, you not only recognize their hard work, but also help cultivate a positive workplace culture.